Southern Chiefs' Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship was created in honour of the children who attended residential schools and those who never made it home. Southern Chiefs’ Organization recognizes that all First Nation people, families, and communities have been impacted by the residential schools. The scholarship is intended to support Survivors and their descendants, as well as descendants of the families of the children who died. The scholarship is to be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a status citizen of one of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization member First Nations who is a full or part-time continuing student at Brandon University, who has completed at least 12 credit hours, and who has made contributions to their school community or their community at large. Applicants must submit a letter describing their community involvement.
Southern Chiefs’ Organization Member First Nations Communities:
Berens River, Birdtail Sioux, Black River, Bloodvein, Brokenhead, Buffalo Point, Canupawakpa, Dakota Plains, Dauphin River, Ebb and Flow, Gambler, Hollow Water, Keeseekoowenin, Kinonjeoshtegon, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Grand Rapids, Little Saskatchewan, Long Plain, O-Ch-Chak-Ko-Sipi, Pauingassi, Peguis, Pinaymootang, Pine Creek, Poplar River, Rolling River, Roseau River, Sagkeeng, Sandy Bay, Skownan, Swan Lake, Tootinaowaziibeeng, Waywayseecappo.

To Be Determined